Wellington Place Primary School will open to Early Years Foundation Stage children on 27th August 2024. You can read more about Wellington Place Primary School Admissions in our Admissions Policy which you can find here.

The Local Authority has a duty to provide school places to all pupils resident in its area. Leicestershire achieves this by giving high priority to catchment area children and by allowing parental preference wherever possible. Further information about the application process and access to the online application form can be found on the Leicestershire website  

The Admissions process takes place during your child’s preschool year. The application window for children seeking to start school for the first time from autumn 2024 is now open until national closing date 15 January 2024. National offer date for First Time Admission (FTA) entry 2024 is 16 April (or the next working day). You will then be notified on 16th April (or the next working day) of your school place before your child starts Reception in September. For further details about FTA’s or how to apply for a place, please visit the Leicestershire County Council website